Soap Making Class Cold Process - 102

Natural Handcrafted
Soap Making Class
Learn How To Make Soap From Scratch!

When oils (fats) are mixed with lye water, a chemical reaction called, saponification occurs and the mixture will become soap.

Have you always wanted to make soap, but wanted to have someone show you how to do it.  Maybe you are spending a ton of money buying the best all natural chemical free soap products for yourself and family members. Or have you spent hours researching how to make soap, but never got around to gathering up the materials to do so.  You can spend 3 hours and make enough soap that will last for months and spend what you would pay for 3 expensive bars of soap sold in Health Food Stores and Spa’s. But, with the added bonus of knowing what’s in it!   
Why Make Your Own Soap

Because it’s a fun and creative outlet that allows you the flexibility to create soap that is suited for any skin type.  You will be able to control what ingredients go on your skin. It is also a great way to make some extra money and soap makes great gifts for family and friends.
Once you acquire the skills necessary to make all natural handcrafted soap. You will discover its many benefits for your skin and your pocketbook. 

Natural handcrafted soap is gentler on the skin, leaving the skin mantle intact. A great number of commercial soap companies use ingredients that are harmful to your skin and the environment. Commercial soaps will remove the dirt from your and along with it a host of other important bacteria that is important for your skin’s health.

Let me show you how easy and inexpensive it is to make soap! 

 Under the close guidance and supervision of your instructor Quinnie Cook, you will leave with a 4 pound batch of soap that can yield up to 16-20 bars of soap, which will finish curing at home.   The class and material fee includes all the raw materials and ingredients – there are a few items will need you bring. These are items you will use later to make soap on your own at home.  In this class you will be given hands-on instructions, recipes, guidance and one-on-one help, in addition to the following:

Brief history of soap making
Essential equipment, supplies and materials
Safety guidelines when making soap
How to properly store lye
Mixing lye and water
Measurements and proper mixing temperatures
Using natural ingredients to color
Adding natural exfolients
Scenting your soap using natural pure essential oils
Molding options
Curing, cutting and storing your soap
Labeling Options

Mixing container
 Natural Preservatives
 Distilled water
Lye aka Sodium hydroxide
 Mold lining material
 Wax paper or plastic wrap to cover mold-(Helps to avoid soda ash)
Soap Mold
 Additives: oatmeal, flaxseed, dried herbs, etc.
One Essential Oil Blend of: Lemon, Peppermint, Lavender and Orange

Goggles, gloves & apron
Mixing Spoon ( non-aluminum for mixing lye water and soap )
Stick blender ( aka hand or Immersion Blender ) for mixing, can be purchased at stores that sell kitchen supplies.  I recommend Braun, Proctor Silex or Cuisinart SmartStick
2 old bath towels or blankets for wrapping your soap (in the mold)

NOTE: This is an age 18+ class since making soap from scratch involves working with lye (aka sodium hydroxide). To take part in the hands-on portion of the class, please wear or bring a long-sleeved shirt. You'll also need rubber gloves and safety goggles. There will be several pairs of goggles and gloves to share, but if you prefer your own please bring them to class.  

Cold pressed soap usually takes a minimum of 4 weeks to cure. The batch of soap you will make in class will not be ready for use until the curing time is complete. The only immediate use soaps are those made by using the hot press or melt & pour method of soap making. The Hot Press Method will be taught in the CP 102 Class. *Soap Making Kits will be available to purchase after class (cash or debit/credit).

Optional:  You are allowed to use your own essential oils, fragrance blend, or color/additives so that you can further customize your soap. The material fee will remain the same. 

Quinnie Cook-Richardson started making soap and skincare products to help alleviate her daughters irritated skin caused from eczema.  After reading the ingredients list of many of the so called natural products she was purchasing. Quinnie decided to teach herself how to make her own skin care products for her family.

Sign Up Information:
$125.00 (Includes Supplies)
Date: November 12, 2011    Time: 9:30 - 12:30P.M
Maximum number of participants: 6
Location: JavaVino Coffee
                     579 N Highland Ave
                  Atlanta, GA 30307
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